1.45.0 2025-02-14

New features:

Implemented the Tailwind-like property to extract CSS classes

Bug fixes:

Fixed export of images with spaces in filenames

Fixed creation of duplicate page names using templates

Fixed the import of Figma project names

Fixed issues with incompatible dependencies

Fixed PFS name in aboutUs window

Fixed import of stylized Figma text items

Fixed text cutoff in Figma Import

Fixed border style name repetition in the panel

Fixed partial display of imported images in Figma

1.44.8 2024-12-16

New features:

Implemented responsive scaling for CSS

Bug fixes:

Fixed undo deletion order for vbox and hbox

Fixed export for images in Angular

Fixed export of specific image names in Vue

Fixed the UI of unfound project during Figma import

Removed warnings from React app start notice

Fixed outsourcing of content display

Fixed background images on macOS

1.43.0 2024-11-21

New features:

Added the option to group CSS properties for Angular

Added the option to group CSS for Vue

Added ability to nudge components with arrow keys

Bug fixes:

Fixed resizing of components on different zoom levels

Forced page names to be unique

Removed references of reportWebVitals

Fixed C# export on Mac

Fixed existing project file names

Handled duplicates between page and export component names for React Export

1.40.12 2024-10-24

Bug fixes:

Fixed default loading size of icons on canvas

Fixed empty info screen

Fixed SVG icon for labeled components

1.40.9 2024-10-9

Bug fixes:

Fixed resizing issues with SVG

Disallowed inserting components into SVGs

Fixed resizing of image components

Fixed export window inconsistencies

Fixed the generated unique name in the project creation

Fixed bounding box when opening a project

Fixed selection styling in right main tabs

1.38.21 2024-08-19

Bug fixes:

Added checks for inserting mandatory SVG attributes

Fixed SVG attributes for the HTML export

Fixed project name on Mac

Sped up keycheck

Made the component drag less sensitive

Removed export results of previous projects

Fixed errors related to unknown images in React export

Improved how the window is maximized/minimized

Sped up the figma import

Reset export attributes when a new project is opened

Fixed skip button showing after login

Added default image in React media assets

Fixed opening of HTML projects in the default browser on Windows

Fixed ignoring unknown variable during Figma import

1.38.0 2024-06-27

New Features:

Added a Choicebox to select Smart Divisions

Implemented ability to resize checkboxes and radiobuttons

Added the possibility to drag components out of/in a container

Bug fixes:

Allowed importing of figma pages that contain a hyphen

Fixed loading of default viewport values of SVG

Changed default corner radius for imported texts

Fixed resizing of the root AnchorPane

Fixed filled property initialization for Image Border

Fixed c# for webApps code generation

1.35.7 2024-05-22

Bug fixes:

Fixed loading of old projects

Fixed template insertion

Fixed adding new items to the combo box with add button

Fixed figma import on some devices

Fixed initial document ruler

Fixed the import of some figma project

1.34.0 2024-05-10

New Features:

Added distance boxes among design components

Bug fixes:

Fixed order of imported components

1.33.0 2024-05-07

New Features:

Automatic Figma Import

1.31.0 2024-04-09

New Features:

Implemented Templates

Allowed the manual creation of HelpLines to align components

Bug fixes:

Set theme menu on Mac

Fixed TitledPane removal through Properties Panel

1.29.10 2024-04-09

New Features:

Added help lines to help the user align components

Implemented project backup

Bug fixes:

Fixed TitledPane removal through Properties Panel

Fixed component naming when initiating project from file menu

Fixed preview of texts when the last target type was a paragraph

Fixed an issue where the text in the UI was dispalyed wrong

Fixed loading of hamburger menu with icon paths from other devices

Fixed border switch between base and image border

Fixed position of the child components if the correlating parent component is an AnchorPane

Fixed automatic outsourcing of the background color in the export editor

Fixed unsetting border style when disabled

Fixed repeated library paths

Fixed vertical ruler

Updated default image properties for borders

Fixed root being saved to the library

Fixed opening project window from an unsaved project

Fixed a bug where components can't be dragged into the HamburgerMenu

Fixed a bug that crashed the software when undo & redo was used

1.27.0 2024-03-15

New Features:

Reimplemented the StackPane component

Bug fixes:

Changed the default zoom and saved previously used zoom settings.

Fixed the size of SVGs in Figma import

Fixed preview of texts when the last target type was a paragraph

Fixed smart division naming when opening a project from the file menu

Fixed Carousel resizing when autoplay is enabled

Fixed margins for VBox children in HTML

Fixed duplication of TextArea

Fixed bounding box when page is changed

Fixed SVG icons in labeled components

Fixed link export in some components

1.26.0 2024-02-29

New Features:

Implemented Carousel

Bug fixes:

Fixed update of the library path list

Fixed item list color update in paragraph

Fixed project creation

Fixed route names for pages in React Export

Fixed export of Paragraphs that were imported from Figma

Fixed mouse coordinates when hovering over components

Fixed going through library paths with the mouse

Fixed export window on Mac

1.25.4 2024-02-20

New Features:

Added Possibility to search for Fonts

Bug fixes:

Fixed Hamburger Menu Icons

Fixed component ID input and added info button

Fixed component picker for textfield

Fixed displayed text in labels in the Figma import

Fixed some SVG outsourcing issues

Fixed library display after adding item

Fixed textArea in the Figma import

1.24.0 2024-01-31

New Features:

Added a search field to the navigator

Updated design of the export window

Implemented new UI

Implemented Hamburger Menu

Bug fixes:

Speed up the import of images from Figma

Fixed adding of elements to the accordion

Fixed cloning of ComboBox

Fixed font family binding of ComboBoxes

Fixed stuck cursor after canceling component creation

Fixed display of applicable font weights for text input components

Fixed AnchorPane constraints for Image

1.20.0 2023-12-21

New Features:

Enabled dragging components back and forth in the navigator

Enabled users to create multiple components

Added vertical ruler to the canvas

Implemented React Export (technical Alpha)

Implemented Vue Export (technical Alpha)

Bug fixes:

Prevented app from crashing when multiple file choosers were opened

Fixed updating text colors using the ThemeEditor

Fixed export window

Fixed C# project file issue on Windows

Fixed renaming of duplicate media files in assets folder

Fixed image copying in export

1.18.1 2023-11-28

New Features:

Show the current coordinates of the cursor

Made text color of ComboBox adjustable

Bug fixes:

Fixed several Paragraph bugs

Removed useless SmartDivision property changes on project saving

1.16.0 2023-10-13

New Features:

Angular export

Bug fixes:

Fixed opacity in Figma import

Fixed GridPane export for SmartDivisions

Text elements cursor always positioned at the beginning

Color picker also works without '#'

Removing icons if iconPath is removed

Fixed position of children of HBox & VBox

Fixed component renaming bug in Library

Fixed percentage positioning of background images

Fixed background image size binding

1.15.1 2023-09-22

New Features:

Added C# WPF Desktop App Export

Bug fixes:

Fixed default video binding

1.14.1 2023-09-06

New Features:

Added a location selection to the Library

Integrated Tutorial Project to Start Page

Bug fixes:

Fixed background opacity in Figma Import

Added notification window for unknown fonts

Fixed constraints for integer values

1.12.8 2023-08-21

New Features:

Added possibility to choose a location for the library folder

Videos can take weblinks as source

Bug fixes:

Fixed text position & alignment in the Figma Import

Fixed text wrapping of imported labels

Fixed resizing of background images with radius

Reworking SVG clippings

Fixed account links

Image clip after removing svg

Fixed import of Figma projects with background images

Fixed import of images with radius

Fixed library loading if no path was selected

1.10.11 2023-06-14

New Features:

Allow the import of the Combobox from Figma

Added back buttons to the Figma Import

Added a loading screen to the Figma Import

Bug fixes:

Fixed corner radius for background images

Update theme on right mouse click

Fixed BoundingBox position in smart division

Prevented deletion of the default smart division

Fixed image loading bug on mac

Fixed a bug where some images could not be exported to HTML

Prevent HGap and VGap of GridPane from being negative

Preserved formatting when changing the font size in a Paragraph

Fixed image paths in Figma Import

Fixed library in imported projects

Fixed resizing of clipped components

1.7.9 2023-06-14

New Features:

Event type changed for paragraph update

Bug fixes:

Fixed bugs that occurred when switching between Smart Divisions

Fixed some Figma Import bugs

Use different browser instead of Safari

Created a new component for reworked SVG

Label BoundingBox

1.7.5 2023-05-30

Bug fixes:

Improved UI of Figma import

Fixed resizing of clipped nodes

Fixed background image in outer frames of imported Figma project

1.7.2 2023-05-24

New Features:

- C# ASP.NET Core Export for Web Apps

Bug fixes:

Fixed Paragraph loading bug

Fixed background image position after save.

Fixed loading icon

1.6.4 2023-05-15

New Features:

Added accessibility settings.

Bug fixes:

Made the current theme visible.

Fixed rotation axis loading & formatting.

Fixed unbinding issues.

Fixed size of figma windows on small Screens.

1.5.2 2023-05-03

New Features:

Import projects from Figma.

Bug fixes:

Fixed ComboBox styling

Fixed SVG clipping in export.

1.4.27 2023-04-25

Bug fixes:

Fixed position of borders in the export.

Project remains readable after folder was renamed.

Fixed handling of whitespaces in file paths.

Fixed image saving bug.

Fix copying of big nested groups.

Fixed export bug for Accordion component.

Fixed project loading with faulty values.

Fixed BoundingBox for labeled components.

Fixed default Smart Division.

1.4.17 2023-03-22

New Features:

Added default text to the paragraph.

Make paragraph support other font sizes.

Bug fixes:

Fixed default image export on Mac.

Fixed a bug where the paragraph remained editable after export.

Prevented deletion of assets.

Fixed dragging of SmartDivisions when zoomed in/out.

Fixed the bug preventing the loading of constraints.

Fixed duplication of layouts with children.

Fixed size of exported labeled components.

Prevent negative width and height at project creation.

1.2.9 2023-02-27

New Features:

Enabled pasting components to a specific position.

Customizable mask characters for the password field.

Added BackgroundImage repeat types.

Bug fixes:

Fixed icon positioning in labeled components.

Updated sign-up link.

Fixed SmartDivisions bug.

Remove unused property changes on export.

Prevented duplicate IDs caused by the Library.

Fixed a Bug where Text Fields could not be selected.

Fixed component deletion.

Update links after page renaming.

Fix themeEditor styling on Mac.

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